December – For The Toe

2023 is done! A great year of health and wealth for me and the people who surround me. A lot of sneakers were worn and a lot of memories were made.

Overall this year I took a step back on collecting. Not because I wanted to, I just have a couple of other goals outside of sneakers I needed to focus on before I start copping more pairs again. Going into 2024, there will be more kicks copped and more kicks rocked. Enjoy the last “For The Toe” of the year.

Solo Session at Alief

This December I ended up skateboarding more than I hit the gym. Good and bad statement in a way I guess but I really enjoy cruising around and getting a good session in when I can. I’m still skating my Ishod’s in the launch colorway. One of my favorite shoes in my collection; on and off the board these shoes have become one of my go to pairs. I really do want a couple more pairs so I can keep one on ice and keep one clean. This day I also walked around the Alief park and took some film photos. It was a great day.

Milo’s Heartworm Treatment

Not a super big moment for my sneaker but a big moment for my newly adopted dog Milo. This day we dropped him off at the vet for his heartworm treatment. Me and my girlfriend had found him while walking our other dog and we ended up adopting him. This was really early in the morning and I through on something easy and comfortable. This is my first pair of Nike Huaraches and it’s the Stussy ‘Desert Oak’. release from 2021. This shoe is crazy under hyped and I think I’ll be wearing it for a long time.

Work Christmas Party

Work parties at my job are always a lot of fun. This year it was more fun for me cause I got to wear a pair of some of my favorite kicks. I had just switched the laces on these Travis Scott Lows to the checkered/patterned laces but for the outfit I had to go back to all black. It was masquerade themed party and I’m sure people weren’t really looking at my shoes but I feel like they made my outfit.

Christmas Kicks

It’s always a good Christmas when I can spend time with my family and friends and just unwind. But it gets even better when I get to open up a new pair of kicks!! I got a brand new pair of Olive Ishod 1’s from my girlfriend Jordan. Funny thing about this pair is that I started the month off wearing it a lot and it was the last pair I wore in 2023. I asked Jordan for another pair because I really want 3 pairs in my collection at least. Once I keep skating the pair I’m wearing, I’m going to want a pair to rock and keep clean. Also, I want to keep a pair deadstock for the future. This is my first duplicate in a long time and I was really hyped to open up that purple box Christmas Day.

Pam’s Birthday Brunch

Me and my family went to State Fare Kitchen & Bar for lunch to celebrate Pam’s Birthday! A couple days after Christmas so everyone was wearing some new clothes and feeling good! I had actually bought Pam some new boots for Christmas and had barely spent money on footwear for months before that. I got her some Pikolinos San Sebastian Leather Ankle Boots and her reaction was sooo good. It made me feel great to get a nice pair of feetz to someone that would really appreciate it. I wore my A Ma Maniere 1’s to the brunch and got a unique house benedict. Cheers to another year Pam!

New Years

I had a couple friends over my house for New Years because I didn’t want to leave and do something. One of my dogs is really scared of fireworks so it was the best situation for him. I threw some steaks on the grill before everyone got here and had a great last meal of the year. We tried a new tradition of eating 12 grapes under the table to bring good luck for the next 12 months! Although I was the only one that really participated… I wore my Ishod’s around the house since we were in and out from the patio. It was a great night with some day 1’s and wouldn’t have wished it went another way.

Happy New Year!! 2024 is going to be one for the books!

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