July – For The Toe

A long summer month packed with 5 Saturdays and Sundays… you know we’re outside! Here are some of my favorite shoes of the month that I wore while going out.

Back to school rotation

I had started this summer class in July and was going in consistently. These are couple of the pairs I kept in rotation. No matter how fire my shoes were, it didn’t help with my algebra success.

River Trip

Me and My Girlfriend took a trip to the Guadalupe River for a float. It was a lot of fun, We went for our friend Nikki’s birthday and it was a blast. The water felt great and the weather was perfect. One of my favorite floats we’ve ever done. I have water shoes I wear on the river but this is what I wore around the campsite.

I did a lot this month, I just kept forgetting to take pictures of my feet. I fell into a weird funk about my sneakers. I haven’t been liking a lot of the new things that come out nowadays. I’ve been appreciating my collection and working a lot for future vacations. More kicks to come! Peace.

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